14 Mood-Boosting Benefits of Outdoor


The outdoor space is your sanctuary, where you can let your inner beast take over.

Think about your life in the moment, and what is happening in that moment with the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and the birds chirping in the trees.

It's not just the sun on your face. The sun makes up a ton of the energy that we use to get things done. It even helps us think more clearly. The trees and grass are the perfect spot to release our inner beast, which is why they're so calming when it comes to the stress of work or school. The birds chirping in the trees help us relax and connect with nature.

We all know you should go outside after a strenuous shift at the office.

I know many of you have had the same experience. A friend of mine, for example, worked in a retail store for years, but when the store closed, she was literally left to her own devices at home. She worked by herself until her daughter was around age 7, when she moved into a condo with the help of a group of friends. Then one day she had to go back out.

It’s hard to know how much of our day is spent indoors but most of us spend a significant part of it outdoors. According to a study published in the journal Psychology and Aging, we spent 3.6 hours per day outdoors for an average of 6.5 hours per week. That’s a lot of time. If you aren’t getting enough sun, especially in the winter, you may have a few more hours to spend outdoors outside.

In addition to giving our bodies more Vitamin D, outdoor also contains the enzyme that is necessary for our brains to function efficiently. When you go outside and spend time doing something, your brain turns on a few more genes that are necessary for learning and memory, which is why we like to play games outside.

If you are looking for a quick way to feel energized and inspired after a long day, you can always take an afternoon hike, take a swim in a lake, or take a nap outside. But the secret to boosting mood, especially during times of stress, is to go outside and do something for yourself.

If you don't, you can feel more like a zombie.

You're not being as productive as you normally would be. You might even feel more drained.

In research, we found that the benefits of outdoor are strongest for those who are highly engaged with their day-to-day life. If that is you, then it can be a great place to take a break from the stresses of the moment and just be your authentic self.

I have to admit that I am guilty of this myself. I have a tendency to go out into the world and do things that don't really involve me and the physical nature of the activity (like playing ping-pong or baseball) and then feel depressed. That said, if you can find some new activity that you truly enjoy, then it can be a great way to alleviate your stress. Just be sure to give yourself time to really enjoy it.

I’m not saying that you can’t take a walk, but I am saying that it can be a good idea to take a break from the moment and just be your authentic self. If you find your mind wandering, then that’s okay. But if there is no other activity and you feel like you aren’t accomplishing anything, that’s okay.

So if you can find some new activity that you truly enjoy, then it can be a great way to alleviate your stress. Just be sure to give yourself time to really enjoy it. Im not saying that you cant take a walk, but I am saying that it can be a good idea to take a break from the moment and just be your authentic self. If you find your mind wandering, then thats okay.

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